Websites for Restaurants
Create a restaurant website and showcase your flavor
14 day free trial plus a no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee.

With premium WordPress themes your restaurant never looked tastier
Over 50 premium themes that fit any website message

Premium plugins from authors like Elementor, Divi and more
Premium plan comes with premium plugins to use from great authors from around the world

Google Cloud Platform
Google Premium Network
Litespeed Cache
“With the help of the wpturf team we created a website that was everything we imagined and more without all the worries and hassle that comes with building one.”
― Savannah Martín

People from all over use wpturf

Everything you need to create a powerful website
Google’s Brotli Compression
GZIP is good, but Brotli is just better for reducing assets size.
PHP LSAPI ProcessGroup
The fastest and most reliable way to serve PHP pages, powered by Litespeed.
Managed OPcache & Object-Cache
Dramatically improves the PHP execution time and reduces the MySQL queries.
Google Cloud CDN
World fastest content delivery using Google’s global network with 90+ POP locations.
Google Cloud DNS
Reliable, resilient, low-latency DNS serving from Google’s worldwide network.
Premium Themes
Get access to themes like Divi® by Elegant Themes™ and themes from Themes Kingdom™ at no extra charge. Each month we add new themes and we'll updated you as soon as new ones are available.
Distributed Cache
Self-hosted in the us-central region but powered by our distributed cache. Accessing from New York, London or Sydney, the load time is the ~same.
Google’s QUIC, the HTTP/3
Reducing the connection time by using Google next-generation protocol available at the origin servers and CDN.
Try wpturf free for 14 days. No card details required. Nothing to pay. Plus a 30 day money back guarantee after.
Pricing for everyone
14 day free trial plus a no questions asked 30 day money back guarantee.
Nonprofits and charities
wpturf offers a 20% discount to nonprofits and charities. To request the discount, sign up for an account, and contact our billing team with your username and the name of your organization.
Compare all plans
Big or small we are sure we have a plan thats right for you© 2025 wpturf. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.